Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Terrific Tuesday

Tuesday was a very productive day. We had breakfast at 7:30 am and were to the DeHoyos’ home prior to 8:30 am. After devotions by Dane Gunn (well done message about faith and action), we loaded up and headed to Vista Hermosa - this time with the whole crew (men, women, boys, and girls).

Phil and Jerry immediately dove into the ceiling tile project again. The both have very serious cases of detail-itis, which makes for perfectly symmetrical ceilings. Alfredo of course likes this very much. By the end of the day, the pros had the ceiling of the second meeting room completed, as well as the ceilings of both bathrooms.

Jason the master carpenter installed the door jambs and hung all four doors, making it look so easy. He kept on getting a new assistant though; no one seemed to want to keep helping him – what a mystery. Josue installed the knobs and latches to complete the job, so by the end of the day both meeting rooms and both bathrooms had fully functional doors. By the way, for the carpenters out there, in Mexico we don’t get nice pre-hung, predrilled doors. You get a door, hinges, and jambs. Then you cut the jambs to size and screw them together. With the door frame done, then you can hang the door in the frame, and install like you would a pre-hung door. Then, the holes for the knob and last have to be drilled / chiseled in, and the components installed.

Behind the church, Doug was put to working filling in the trench for the water line. Josiah and I worked on the rest of the cutting, fitting, and gluing for the waste lines, as well as the water supply lines. We also assembled the toilets, anchored them to the floor, and hooked up the water supply lines. By around 1pm we had one toilet flushable (with a bucket of water) and by end of day they were both completed. Toilets were technically the highest priority job of the day. Much pressure on the bladders of the workers, applied much pressure to the plumbers.

The ladies all had the unimaginable pleasure of masking all of the windows, and putting the first coat of oil based paint on them. They were all very good sports about this, and did a good job. Tomorrow the fun continues, they are eagerly looking forward to the second coat.

Our day culminated with a meal at the church, where we hosted some migrant workers that are living temporarily across the street from the church. Alfredo met them a week or so ago, and arranged for this dinner (and opportunity to minister to them). I was asked to give a brief but direct gospel message to them, and Alfredo of course followed up in his own very special way.

We headed back to the DeHoyos’ home around 8pm to do some planning for the rest of the week. I think that you can wait until the next post to find out what those plans are. Bloggers need their sleep too you know.


  1. I personally love painting, can I come with next time? Tom would be a great asset, too, he is a natural carpenter. Mindy wouldn't notice a couple extra little boys around the house, would she?

  2. This is truly interesting. The world has no clue that you're doing this but the Lord sees. I'm so glad that you're blogging so I may have a little glimpse of what He sees. God bless you all.
